Saturday, September 24, 2016

friend time

I have been really bad at this one all summer. I love to get home from work and just relax, eat some food and not have to worry about anything, or anyone (other than husband and baby). Then about two weeks ago, I was feeling really sad about some relationship issues I am having with some people that live far away. I put in a lot of effort and can't seem to have the right relationship with some people, and a big part of that could be the distance between us. Haig said to me one night "you worry so much about your relationships with people that live far away, but when is the last time you saw some of your friends that live here". It really struck me. I could spent a lot of time texting people and catching up that way, but face to face interaction is so much better. The next day I texted one of my close friends and asked her if she wanted to meet up. She came over a couple nights later and we had some tea, treats and a long talk about everything that has been going on in our lives. Last night I went to the movies with another close friend. I know it may seem like a silly goal to make, but I hope to spend time with a friend each week, especially before baby arrives. I need to have a greater focus on my relationships and more importantly with the women in my life that mean so much to me. We all get caught up in our work, our family and even our significant others but I know we need each other to talk, give advice to one another and sometimes just vent about certain things. So, if you are reading this and you want to hang out please let me know because I would love to see you!

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