Wednesday, October 5, 2016

making salsa

It is that time of year again when I get together with my momma to make some salsa! You can find the recipe we use here. This year, we had a few more helpers. Meeko made sure she sat with the tomatoes once or twice, and Winnie was great at watching mom cut all the tomatoes. No tomatoes were fed to the animals during the salsa making process.

One of our favorite snacks is nachos and salsa. This salsa is a sweeter salsa, but we still like to buy a salty salsa at the store every so often. I am sure Haig and I could eat a whole jar of this salsa in one sitting, it is so delicious!


1 comment:

Helen said...

Sounds good, too much work for me though. You can make nice salsas in small batches too.